Two U.S. state attorneys general seek info on Zoom's privacy practices

Two U.S. state attorneys general seek info on Zoom's privacy practices

4 years ago
Anonymous $9CO2RSACsf


At least two U.S. state attorneys have sought information from Zoom Video Communications Inc following multiple reports that questioned the privacy and security of the videoconferencing app.

Two U.S. state attorneys general seek info on Zoom's privacy practices

Apr 3, 2020, 4:31pm UTC
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-zoom-video-commn-privacy/two-u-s-state-attorneys-general-seek-info-on-zooms-privacy-practices-idUSKBN21L2D0 >At least two U.S. state attorneys have sought information from Zoom Video Communications Inc following multiple reports that questioned the privacy and security of the videoconferencing app.