Amazon Prime now lets you buy movies on its iOS apps — here’s how

Amazon Prime now lets you buy movies on its iOS apps — here’s how

4 years ago
Anonymous $9CO2RSACsf

Amazon recently made a much-needed update to its Prime Video apps on iPhone, iPad and Apple TV: you can now purchase and rent videos directly from the app. Given how many people are using their streaming apps — such as Prime Video — to watch movies, this could not have come at a more welcome time. Here’s how it works.

Up to now, you couldn’t make your purchases within these apps, and the rumor was that this was because the typical in-app payment method allowed apple to take a 30% cut. However, CNBC reports an agreement between Apple and Amazon now lets users make purchases via the stored payment method in their Amazon account, which is what prompted the update. It’s a welcome change, for sure. Amazon‘s started offering several recent films that had to be pulled early from theaters thanks to the coronavirus, presumably to help the studios recoup some losses, and it’s nice to be able to get them directly from the app you’ll be using to watch them.