Why Is The FDA Giving A Potential COVID-19 Treatment 'Orphan' Status?
Coming up with a treatment for COVID-19 is obviously incredibly important, and I'd be perfectly content if whoever did so got filthy stinking rich for basically saving the world. But we should be pretty damn careful about what kinds of incentives we set in place, and how that might lead to a ridiculous monopolistic, exploitative situation. Unfortunately, it looks like one pharma giant -- with a hopefully promising approach -- is already abusing the regulatory process to make sure it can extract monopolistic rents for a potential treatment.
It's good and exciting that various companies are pulling out all the stops to try to come up with some sort of treatment for COVID-19 (though it's incredibly dangerous and frustrating that the President of the United States seems to be regularly suggesting drug treatments based on basically no evidence of their effectiveness, and without regard to the safety -- or lack thereof -- to desperate people willing to listen to his unscientific snake oil nonsense).