Y Combinator moves its online Demo Day forward one week
Just days ago, Y Combinator announced that its upcoming Demo Day event would be moving online due to “growing concern over COVID-19.” The event, previously planned to span across two days at San Francisco’s Pier 48 building, would instead be hosted entirely online on March 23rd.
More changes this evening: YC is shifting Demo Day forward one full week, from March 23rd to March 16th.
Y Combinator moves its online Demo Day forward one week
Mar 11, 2020, 6:13am UTC
> Just days ago, Y Combinator announced that its upcoming Demo Day event would be moving online due to “growing concern over COVID-19.” The event, previously planned to span across two days at San Francisco’s Pier 48 building, would instead be hosted entirely online on March 23rd.
> More changes this evening: YC is shifting Demo Day forward one full week, from March 23rd to March 16th.