Amazon Prime Will Falter During Coronavirus Panic, Experts Say

Amazon Prime Will Falter During Coronavirus Panic, Experts Say

4 years ago
Anonymous $9CO2RSACsf

More than half of American households are Amazon Prime members, and, for better or worse, have come to rely on the service for many of their everyday needs. In the coming weeks and months as coronavirus continues to spread, many Americans, holed up in their homes and apartments for purposes of quarantine or social distancing, will rely increasingly on Amazon’s delivery services to fill all of their material needs. This will undoubtedly put increased strain on the workers who pack and deliver Amazon products, and leave them vulnerable to Covid-19.

Motherboard spoke to Amazon logistics and labor experts who say it’s only a matter of time before Amazon Prime’s signature two-day delivery promise faces serious delays, mistakes, and widespread shortages due to increased demands from consumers, pressure on workers to meet rising production quotas, restrictions on trade, and the possibility of fulfillment centers being shut down as coronavirus spreads. Amazon’s warehouse workers say they’re already seeing increased workloads, while fewer of their colleagues are showing up to work, according to labor organizers.