Exclusive: Google users in UK to lose EU data protection - sources

Exclusive: Google users in UK to lose EU data protection - sources

4 years ago
Anonymous $-riAjkQg_1


Google is planning to move its British users' accounts out of the control of European Union privacy regulators, placing them under U.S. jurisdiction instead, sources said.

Exclusive: Google users in UK to lose EU data protection - sources

Feb 19, 2020, 9:29pm UTC
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-google-privacy-eu-exclusive/exclusive-google-users-in-uk-to-lose-eu-data-protection-sources-idUSKBN20D2M3 >Google is planning to move its British users' accounts out of the control of European Union privacy regulators, placing them under U.S. jurisdiction instead, sources said.