AMD Threadripper 3990x is here: 64 cores, 128 threads, $3,990
On Friday, AMD launched its latest monster CPU—the 64 core, 128 thread Threadripper 3990x. The 3990x isn't the first publicly available 128-threaded x86-64 CPU—that honor goes to AMD's Epyc 7742, 7702, and 7702P in a three-way tie. But the 3990X is the first "desktop" CPU offering that many threads—and it's stretching the ecosystem in doing so.
Despite the groundbreaking specs on the TR3990x, AMD is adhering to the same pricing strategy it has employed for years now—pick the CPU that fits your needs and pay a reasonable, roughly linearly scaled price for it. If you want Threadripper cores, you're going to pay roughly $30 apiece for them, whether you're looking for the smaller or larger parts.