Atlassian brings new DevOps metrics to Jira
Atlassian is launching an update to its ubiquitous Jira issue and project tracking service today — and specifically the Jira Software Cloud version — that brings a number of new features for visualizing and measuring how code moves through the development pipeline. With this, project managers and developers will be able to get deeper insights into the code teams are working on, for example, and where that code is in the deployment pipeline. Users of Jira Software Premium will also be able to track deployment frequency and cycle times right inside of the service now, too.
“In the quest to reach that near-mythical land of ‘insights,’ many teams mistake consolidation for control. But the challenge is not the number of tools; it’s the way they’re integrated,” the Jira team writes in today’s announcement. “No single vendor will ever deliver all the products an agile software team needs, so the burden still lies on the team to manually connect the dots.”