Hackers targeting groups involved in COVID-19 vaccine distribution, IBM warns

Hackers targeting groups involved in COVID-19 vaccine distribution, IBM warns

3 years ago
Anonymous $y15ULlV7sG


IBM is sounding the alarm over hackers targeting companies critical to the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, a sign that digital spies are turning their attention to the complex logistical work involved in inoculating the world's population against the novel coronavirus.

Hackers targeting groups involved in COVID-19 vaccine distribution, IBM warns

Dec 3, 2020, 5:33pm UTC
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-vaccines-cyber/hackers-targeting-groups-involved-in-covid-19-vaccine-distribution-ibm-warns-idUSKBN28D191 >IBM is sounding the alarm over hackers targeting companies critical to the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, a sign that digital spies are turning their attention to the complex logistical work involved in inoculating the world's population against the novel coronavirus.