The Dangerous Faux 'Miracle Mineral Solution' Is Back on Facebook
The dangerous pseudo-treatment known as chlorine dioxide, “Miracle Mineral Solution,” or MMS has made a return to Facebook, a Motherboard investigation shows, and its use is being advocated for in several private groups. A few years after Facebook shut down a group run by Kerri Rivera, one of MMS's biggest promoters, she, too, has made a return to the platform and is dispensing advice in at least one of those groups. Motherboard viewed posts that show Rivera claiming that chlorine dioxide can cure “pre-cancer” as well as typhoid, autism, parasites, and a variety of other serious illnesses and disorders.
The Food and Drug Administration and other public health bodies have warned numerous times against the use of MMS or chlorine dioxide. The FDA calls chlorine dioxide “a powerful bleaching agent that has caused serious and potentially life-threatening side effects.” Nonetheless, it’s an incredibly resilient bogus cure, reappearing on social platforms with some regularity; Rivera currently runs at least two groups on the platform Telegram advocating for its use. Motherboard previously reported on an apparent medical emergency in one of another of her groups, which has now apparently been shut down by Rivera, where a parent who said he’d been giving his son chlorine dioxide treatments reported having to take the boy to the hospital after his limbs began stiffening and he experienced persistent vomiting and diarrhea.