XFX Allegedly Selling Almost All AMD Radeon RX 5000 Series GPUs To Mining Farms

XFX Allegedly Selling Almost All AMD Radeon RX 5000 Series GPUs To Mining Farms

3 years ago
Anonymous $rxtAWepgzY


According to a report by MyDrivers, XFX is selling pretty much the entire stock of its AMD Radeon cards to GPU miners in China during the month of September. The return of GPU mining is something that gamers have been dreading to hear ever since the legendary price hikes created by cryptocurrencies in 2018 (which we have still not entirely recovered from).

The reason why AMD Radeon GPUs are so popular with miners is that they have amazing hashing power and tons of vRAM. Ethereium's DAG file is 3.49 GB in size (which basically means you need a GPU with at least that much vRAM to run it) and its expected to cross 4GB shortly as well so with AMD GPUs having ample vRAM and hashing power while being cheap - they are god sent for mining. Ampere and NVIDIA GPUs on the other hand are expensive and pricey and don't scale in hashing power. Ampere is specifically a hard case because you are looking at much higher TDP as well - which is a very big factor in mining calculations. This means Radeon GPUs get a significantly larger chunk of attention from GPU miners.