NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Will Have 512 More Cores Than The RTX 2080 Ti
Videocardz has confirmed from their own sources that the RTX 3060 Ti will be launching soon after the RTX 3070. It will be the first budget entry from NVIDIA and will feature a new GA106 GPU. According to WhyCry, there is currently no word for the non-Ti version of the 3060 and the Ti variant will actually come first. The card is expected to feature a core count greater than RTX 2080 Ti (which should translate to greater than 2080 Ti performance as well assuming the clocks are on par).
Keep in mind that the reason NVIDIA's RTX 3090 and RTX 3080 cards are not scaling linearly in performance is due to bottlenecking by game engines and binaries that are not designed to handle this much amount of cores. We know that the hardware and driver stack scales linearly because of the benchmark performance of these cards in software like vRAY and Octane - which are designed to handle a huge amount of graphics power. This means that as you scale down cores, performance will not scale down linearly. In fact, I fully expect the RTX 3060 Ti to beat the RTX 2080 clock for clock! Assuming slightly less clocks than the RTX 2080 Ti, it should easily trade blows with the former flagship.