'Fallout 76' Players Are Breaking Nuclear Launch Code Cryptography to Unleash Hell

'Fallout 76' Players Are Breaking Nuclear Launch Code Cryptography to Unleash Hell

6 years ago
Anonymous $L9wC17otzH


Fallout 76 allows players to work together to gather nuclear launch codes and activate ICBMs. There are three silos in the wastelands of West Virginia where Fallout 76 is set, and industrious players can hurl nuclear fire at rival groups to wipe them off the map and spawn endgame content.

The “nuke loop,” as developer Bethesda calls it, was envisioned as a difficult puzzle players would work through towards the end of their time with the game. But players acted quickly and launched their first nuke during the game’s beta phase. Nukes started flying across the map soon after the game’s initial release, and players have even coordinated the launch of three simultaneous nuclear blasts, which crashed the server.

'Fallout 76' Players Are Breaking Nuclear Launch Code Cryptography to Unleash Hell

Nov 21, 2018, 8:37pm UTC
https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/kzvznv/fallout-76-players-are-breaking-nuclear-launch-code-cryptography-to-unleash-hell > Fallout 76 allows players to work together to gather nuclear launch codes and activate ICBMs. There are three silos in the wastelands of West Virginia where Fallout 76 is set, and industrious players can hurl nuclear fire at rival groups to wipe them off the map and spawn endgame content. > The “nuke loop,” as developer Bethesda calls it, was envisioned as a difficult puzzle players would work through towards the end of their time with the game. But players acted quickly and launched their first nuke during the game’s beta phase. Nukes started flying across the map soon after the game’s initial release, and players have even coordinated the launch of three simultaneous nuclear blasts, which crashed the server.