The best gaming deals this Black Friday include discounts on PS4 Slim, Xbox One X, and new games

The best gaming deals this Black Friday include discounts on PS4 Slim, Xbox One X, and new games

5 years ago
Anonymous $L9wC17otzH

There’s no better time to take the plunge on a new game console or finally pick up a game you’ve been reading and watching YouTube videos about for months than Black Friday. Typically, every major retailer, as well as the game publishers and console makers, has a handful of solid deals on hardware, software, and accessories. This year, there are especially good deals on Sony’s PlayStation 4 Slim, the whole Xbox lineup, and a number of the year’s biggest games.

The current console generation’s life cycle is projected to come to a close around 2020, which makes this year’s deals especially attractive, considering the devices likely won’t see another equally dramatic price drop until the formal announcement of Microsoft and Sony’s new hardware, which are likely to be shown off around 2020 or 2021. Unfortunately, the Nintendo Switch remains full price at $299, save one Best Buy bundle and one eBay one, and we can expect that to hold through the holidays with the launch of the new Super Smash Bros. Thankfully, you can put any money you may have been saving for a Switch toward a fair number of PS4 or Xbox games.

The best gaming deals this Black Friday include discounts on PS4 Slim, Xbox One X, and new games

Nov 19, 2018, 9:32pm UTC > There’s no better time to take the plunge on a new game console or finally pick up a game you’ve been reading and watching YouTube videos about for months than Black Friday. Typically, every major retailer, as well as the game publishers and console makers, has a handful of solid deals on hardware, software, and accessories. This year, there are especially good deals on Sony’s PlayStation 4 Slim, the whole Xbox lineup, and a number of the year’s biggest games. > The current console generation’s life cycle is projected to come to a close around 2020, which makes this year’s deals especially attractive, considering the devices likely won’t see another equally dramatic price drop until the formal announcement of Microsoft and Sony’s new hardware, which are likely to be shown off around 2020 or 2021. Unfortunately, the Nintendo Switch remains full price at $299, save one Best Buy bundle and one eBay one, and we can expect that to hold through the holidays with the launch of the new Super Smash Bros. Thankfully, you can put any money you may have been saving for a Switch toward a fair number of PS4 or Xbox games.