Nintendo is out for blood after the Smash Bros Ultimate leak

Nintendo is out for blood after the Smash Bros Ultimate leak

5 years ago
Anonymous $L9wC17otzH

We’re all eager to get our hands on the new Super Smash Bros. It looks like it’s going to be an amazing trip down memory lane in beat-em-up wrapping, especially as we’re getting so many new characters to play with. But it seems some have gotten their hands on the game a bit too early — and they’re posting the evidence online for everyone to see.

Pirates have somehow obtained a copy of Ultimate and are releasing details they’ve found online. It’s not exactly clear how they got it so early, though sources told Motherboard it originated on a game cartridge. So far the leaks have included spoilers for the World of Light story mode, details on previously unannounced boss characters, and in-game music. We won’t list them here, as we want to ensure users who want to go into the game unspoiled may do so. If you’re really curious, you can see details on most of the leaks on this Smash Bros Reddit thread.

Nintendo is out for blood after the Smash Bros Ultimate leak

Nov 26, 2018, 10:30pm UTC > We’re all eager to get our hands on the new Super Smash Bros. It looks like it’s going to be an amazing trip down memory lane in beat-em-up wrapping, especially as we’re getting so many new characters to play with. But it seems some have gotten their hands on the game a bit too early — and they’re posting the evidence online for everyone to see. > Pirates have somehow obtained a copy of Ultimate and are releasing details they’ve found online. It’s not exactly clear how they got it so early, though sources told Motherboard it originated on a game cartridge. So far the leaks have included spoilers for the World of Light story mode, details on previously unannounced boss characters, and in-game music. We won’t list them here, as we want to ensure users who want to go into the game unspoiled may do so. If you’re really curious, you can see details on most of the leaks on this Smash Bros Reddit thread.