Why those chips in your credit cards don’t stop fraud online
To card issuers’ credit, they warned us that this exact thing could happen. EMV—originally short for Europay, MasterCard and Visa—is designed to stop card counterfeiting, in which a thief copies the account data stored on a card’s magnetic stripe and uses that to make a new card." data-reactid="26">To card issuers’ credit, they warned us that this exact thing could happen. EMV—originally short for Europay, MasterCard and Visa—is designed to stop card counterfeiting, in which a thief copies the account data stored on a card’s magnetic stripe and uses that to make a new card.
It’s worked exceptionally well at that: In June, Visa (V) announced that at merchants accepting EMV purchases, counterfeit card transactions plunged by 75% from September 2015 to March 2018. But that hasn’t made a real difference in the larger universe of fraud." data-reactid="27">It’s worked exceptionally well at that: In June, Visa (V) announced that at merchants accepting EMV purchases, counterfeit card transactions plunged by 75% from September 2015 to March 2018. But that hasn’t made a real difference in the larger universe of fraud.