Disrupt Berlin 2018 early-bird prices extended
It’s possible that St. Expeditus, the patron saint of procrastinators, has taken a shine to time-stressed startuppers. Call it whatever you like — divine intervention, planetary alignment or darned good luck — we’re extending the deadline for early-bird tickets to Disrupt Berlin 2018. That means you have 10 days until the 2 November deadline to save up to €500. Expedite your decision-making and buy your ticket today.
Why wouldn’t you join thousands of your peers and colleagues for two full days devoted to all things startup? Disrupt Berlin draws an international audience — literally thousands of attendees from more than 50 countries, including all the European Union members, Turkey, Russia, Egypt, India, China, South Korea and the list goes on. It’s an opportunity to see some of the best technology the world has to offer — and connect with the people behind it.