Canadian Privacy Commissioner Goes To Court To Determine If Canada Can Force Google To Delete History
Canada has been stumbling towards an EU-style "right to be forgotten" (RTBF) for quite some time now. There was a big case last year that not only said Google can be forced to remove links to certain information, but that it could be forced to do so globally (i.e., outside of just Canada). That was as a result of a specific lawsuit about specific information, but this year, a bigger exploration of the RTBF concept has been underway, as some have argued that Canada's PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act) meant that Google should be forced to "de-link" articles on certain people's name searches upon request (just like the EU's RTBF).
A report from the Canadian Privacy Commissioner earlier this year argued that PIPEDA already provided such a right and the Privacy Commissioner Daniel Therrien has been stumping for this ever since. Google has -- for obvious reasons -- been expressing its position that this is ridiculous, saying that PIPEDA does not apply to de-linking individuals' names from news articles, and further argued that requiring such a result would be unconstitutional.