Broadband Industry Sues Vermont For Daring To Protect Consumers, Net Neutrality

Broadband Industry Sues Vermont For Daring To Protect Consumers, Net Neutrality

5 years ago
Anonymous $oIHRkISgaL

As we've made pretty clear, the broadband industry is successfully obliterating most meaningful federal and state oversight of their broken, largely uncompetitive broadband monopolies. They've had great success in convincing the Trump administration to effectively neuter the FCC, driving any piddly, remaining enforcement authority to an FTC that's ill-equipped for the job. At the same time, the federal government and ISPs like Comcast are also waging a not-so-subtle and completely coordinated war on state authority to step in and fill the consumer protection void.

Earlier this month, the entire broadband industry, hand in hand with the Trump DOJ, filed lawsuits against the state of California for passing a net neutrality law the majority of the public supports. This week broadband industry lobbying organizations like US Telecom (primarily funded and directed by AT&T) filed suit against the state of Vermont (pdf), again claiming that the state's new net neutrality law is prohibited by the legally dubious "pre-emption" language embedded in the FCC's net neutrality repeal at direct telecom lobbyist request.