‘Star Wars Battlefront 2’ Update 1.20 Fixes Squads & Exploits - Patch Notes
Star Wars Battlefront 2 ’s October hotfix is live as update version 1.20 on PS4. The small patch addresses issues with Squad play and fixes exploits with regard to health stacking and player spawns. The full patch notes are listed below courtesy of an EA forum post.
There’s not much players can expect from such a small update, but there are a few noteworthy changes in hotfix 1.20. For one, it’s nice to know that Yoda, Finn and Officers won’t be engaging in totally ridiculous heal offs during matches anymore. It’s unclear how this problem was specifically addressed, but we’re glad it’s gone nonetheless. In that same vein, it’s no secret that being able to spawn on top of Boba in your Squad was a cheap way to score points. Restricting the option to Troopers-only maintains the spirit of the feature without necessarily encouraging unfair matchups.