Are Tesla Cars 100% Electric?
The short answer — YES. But keep reading as there is a lot of depth in this answer.
Tesla Motors was the first production capable car company that started as an electric only cars company. To date, they are still to date only produces cars that are electric. You may have heard companies such as Volvo are moving to Electric- its not true, its Hybrids and gas/desil engines in their heavy trucks.
Are Tesla Cars 100% Electric?
Aug 24, 2018, 8:35pm UTC
> The short answer — YES. But keep reading as there is a lot of depth in this answer.
> Tesla Motors was the first production capable car company that started as an electric only cars company. To date, they are still to date only produces cars that are electric. You may have heard companies such as Volvo are moving to Electric- its not true, its Hybrids and gas/desil engines in their heavy trucks.