Scientists just ‘proved’ that it’s easier to influence children with robots than adults
A much-ballyhooed study published yesterday indicates children are more easily influenced by robots than adults. Perhaps next we’ll discover that robots find it easier to take candy from babies than grown-ups.
I’m a parent. When a study titled “Children conform, adults resist: A robot group induced peer pressure on normative social conformity,” starts making the tech news rounds, I pay attention. On the surface it seems scary — especially if you live most of your life immersed in news coming out of the field of artificial intelligence. It’s not.
Scientists just ‘proved’ that it’s easier to influence children with robots than adults
Aug 16, 2018, 8:12pm UTC
> A much-ballyhooed study published yesterday indicates children are more easily influenced by robots than adults. Perhaps next we’ll discover that robots find it easier to take candy from babies than grown-ups.
> I’m a parent. When a study titled “Children conform, adults resist: A robot group induced peer pressure on normative social conformity,” starts making the tech news rounds, I pay attention. On the surface it seems scary — especially if you live most of your life immersed in news coming out of the field of artificial intelligence. It’s not.