How to delete old tweets so you don't get fired
Twitter Settings and select "Your Twitter Data." Scroll to the bottom of that menu to find "Download your Twitter data." Click the button and the system will send a link to a downloadable zip file containing your archive to the email address associated with your account." data-reactid="8">To create an archive, head over to Twitter Settings and select "Your Twitter Data." Scroll to the bottom of that menu to find "Download your Twitter data." Click the button and the system will send a link to a downloadable zip file containing your archive to the email address associated with your account.
Advanced Search to look for keywords and subjects that cross the line of good taste." data-reactid="9">Once you have your local backup, it's time to get to work erasing your ill-advised attempts at humor and asinine observations from the internet. If you're not a particularly prodigious tweeter or simply have a high level of self-control, you can probably get away with using Twitter's in-app Advanced Search to look for keywords and subjects that cross the line of good taste.