Google introduces ‘Context-aware’ access to supplement traditional logons
We know by now that usernames and passwords are a poor way of securing applications and online services, but they remain for the most part a key tool in the security arsenal. The trouble is that with all of the security breaches in recent years from Equifax to Anthem to Target (and many others), people’s credentials have been widely shared on the internet black market.
Google wants to help fix that problem and today at Google Next, it announced Context-aware access, a new program that looks beyond your credentials to other factors to help determine if it’s really you or someone pretending to be you.
Google introduces ‘Context-aware’ access to supplement traditional logons
Jul 25, 2018, 4:46pm UTC
> We know by now that usernames and passwords are a poor way of securing applications and online services, but they remain for the most part a key tool in the security arsenal. The trouble is that with all of the security breaches in recent years from Equifax to Anthem to Target (and many others), people’s credentials have been widely shared on the internet black market.
> Google wants to help fix that problem and today at Google Next, it announced Context-aware access, a new program that looks beyond your credentials to other factors to help determine if it’s really you or someone pretending to be you.