Best wireless mesh routers 2018: the best Wi-Fi network systems for large homes
Just imagine for a second: you’re sitting in your upstairs bedroom, trying to watch some Netflix, but you keep being interrupted by that dreaded buffering icon – we’ve all been there. If this is something that happens to you often, you have a couple options open to you: you can either pick up some wireless range extenders or one of the best wireless mesh routers.
With the best wireless mesh routers, you just place several nodes in key areas of your home, and you’ll get a strong, unified Wi-Fi network no matter where you are. This is different from the way range extenders work, which just take the Wi-Fi signal from the best wireless routers and repeats it, extending its range. The problem with this approach it requires a separate SSID for the extender, as it’s essentially creating a second network. This is a gigantic pain if you need to set up more than one extender, or if you tend to move around your house a lot.