Two Galaxy S10 Units Will Feature Virtual Fingerprint Sensing, At $15/Piece

Two Galaxy S10 Units Will Feature Virtual Fingerprint Sensing, At $15/Piece

5 years ago
Anonymous $cyhBy-qkd5

The Samsung Galaxy S10 is a strange smartphone lineup. Generally, rumors and leaks for upcoming smartphones start appearing a handful of months before their launch. This trend has also continued for all of Samsung’s Galaxy S lineup smartphones, including the Galaxy S9. However, for the Galaxy S10, we’re seeing rumors surface nearly a year in advance of the device’s expected launch date.

Samsung will launch three Galaxy S10s next year, in order to celebrate its tenth anniversary. One of these will be a featured packed variant that is rumored to wildly sport both virtual fingerprint recognition and 3D facial recognition. Today, we’ve got more information for the three alleged variants of the Galaxy S10. Take a look below for more details.

Two Galaxy S10 Units Will Feature Virtual Fingerprint Sensing, At $15/Piece

Jul 6, 2018, 10:18am UTC > The Samsung Galaxy S10 is a strange smartphone lineup. Generally, rumors and leaks for upcoming smartphones start appearing a handful of months before their launch. This trend has also continued for all of Samsung’s Galaxy S lineup smartphones, including the Galaxy S9. However, for the Galaxy S10, we’re seeing rumors surface nearly a year in advance of the device’s expected launch date. > Samsung will launch three Galaxy S10s next year, in order to celebrate its tenth anniversary. One of these will be a featured packed variant that is rumored to wildly sport both virtual fingerprint recognition and 3D facial recognition. Today, we’ve got more information for the three alleged variants of the Galaxy S10. Take a look below for more details.