Google's voice-calling AI could handle your next insurance claim
it absolutely did. The other side is that this could be another case of computers taking over low-skill jobs that'd typically be done by humans." data-reactid="8">Plenty of call centers are automated at this point, it's just that none of those robo-operators could pass the Turing test; Duplex sounds like it absolutely did. The other side is that this could be another case of computers taking over low-skill jobs that'd typically be done by humans.
The Information notes, plenty of other companies offer their digital assistants for similar tasks. Amazon, for example, has made its plans to offer commercial versions of Alexa for call centers abundantly clear already. Google makes money hand over fist on its enterprise services as is, and this could be the next step toward boosting its revenues even higher." data-reactid="9">As The Information notes, plenty of other companies offer their digital assistants for similar tasks. Amazon, for example, has made its plans to offer commercial versions of Alexa for call centers abundantly clear already. Google makes money hand over fist on its enterprise services as is, and this could be the next step toward boosting its revenues even higher.