Effort To Save Net Neutrality Via Congressional Review Act Appears Stuck In Neutral

Effort To Save Net Neutrality Via Congressional Review Act Appears Stuck In Neutral

6 years ago
Anonymous $cyhBy-qkd5


Efforts to reverse the FCC's historically unpopular attack on net neutrality using the Congressional Review Act (CRA) appear stuck in neutral.

The CRA lets Congress reverse a regulatory action with a simply majority vote in the Senate and the House (which is how the GOP successfully killed FCC privacy protections last year). And while the Senate voted 52 to 47 back in May to reverse the FCC's attack on net neutrality, companion efforts to set up a similar vote in the House don't appear to be gaining much traction as the clock continues to tick. A discharge petition needs 218 votes to even see floor time, and another 218 votes to pass the measure.