AT&T Successfully Derails California's Tough New Net Neutrality Law

AT&T Successfully Derails California's Tough New Net Neutrality Law

6 years ago
Anonymous $cyhBy-qkd5

This truly is, as they say, why we can't have nice things.

In the wake of the FCC's ham-fisted net neutrality repeal, more than half the states in the country are now exploring their own, state-level net neutrality protections. California's proposal, Senator Scott Weiner's SB 822, was seen as particularly promising in that it went even farther on some important issues than the 2015 FCC rules it was intended to replace. The EFF went so far as to call California's proposal the "gold standard" for state-level net neutrality laws, noting it did a better job policing many of the problem areas where modern anti-competitive behavior occurs, such as zero rating or interconnection.

AT&T Successfully Derails California's Tough New Net Neutrality Law

Jun 21, 2018, 2:31pm UTC > This truly is, as they say, why we can't have nice things. > In the wake of the FCC's ham-fisted net neutrality repeal, more than half the states in the country are now exploring their own, state-level net neutrality protections. California's proposal, Senator Scott Weiner's SB 822, was seen as particularly promising in that it went even farther on some important issues than the 2015 FCC rules it was intended to replace. The EFF went so far as to call California's proposal the "gold standard" for state-level net neutrality laws, noting it did a better job policing many of the problem areas where modern anti-competitive behavior occurs, such as zero rating or interconnection.