Uber's CEO is taking a leave of absence. That's a disaster for Uber.

Uber's CEO is taking a leave of absence. That's a disaster for Uber.

7 years ago
Anonymous $Gu9VYqcl-R


Last week, after an investigation by former Attorney General Eric Holder found rampant problems with sexual harassment and discrimination at Uber’s San Francisco headquarters, CEO Travis Kalanick had two choices. He could remain as Uber’s CEO and pursue reforms designed to deal with this and other problems plaguing the company. Or he could step down to make room for a new CEO whose promises to change Uber might have more credibility.

Instead, Kalanick chose a third option that’s worse for everyone but Kalanick: He announced an indefinite leave of absence and left the company to be run by a 14-member committee of senior executives. That means Uber won’t get the fresh start that a new CEO could have offered.