Rare Condition Means Blind Woman Can Only See Moving Objects

Rare Condition Means Blind Woman Can Only See Moving Objects

6 years ago
Anonymous $roN-uuAfLt


A woman in Scotland confused doctors with her rare form of blindness that limited her vision to only objects in motion. Now, scientists in Canada have diagnosed the woman with Riddoch syndrome, and her unusual vision is a result of her brain trying to rewire itself following injury.

The case study is reported in Neuropsychologia. It describes Milena Canning, 48, who lost her vision 18 years ago after a respiratory infection caused her to suffer from a number of strokes that ultimately put her in an eight-week coma. When Canning woke up from her coma, she could no longer see, Medical Xpress reported. However, several months after her recovery, she began to notice only moving items, such as water swirling down the drain. She could not see still objects, no matter how close to her face they were.