Galaxy S10+ Suffering From Severe Connectivity Issues on Some Carriers
After every major flagship release, it is only a matter of time before problems start to appear out of the woodwork. The Galaxy S10+ is no exception. A little over a month after its release, users have found an annoying flaw in the device. The Galaxy S10+ is an excellent smartphone, but it is plagued with crippling signal strength issues, according to users on several places such as Reddit, Android Central and even Samsung’s forums.
The signal strength is affected by several factors such as your carrier and the frequency you’re connected to, which results in lower signal strength compared to other similarly-priced phones. The problem appears to be carrier agnostic but is more pronounced for Sprint variants of the Galaxy S10. Even AT&T and T-Mobile users are occasionally reporting reduced signal strength but in much lower volume. Android Police did some tests and found that merely holding the phone “wrong” can affect the signal strength significantly.