Hearing On New Net Neutrality Law Once Again Conjures Up A Greatest Hits Of Nonsense
As we previously noted, Democratic lawmakers recently just proposed a very simple, three page law. The Save The Internet Act would simply reverse the Ajit Pai repeal of net neutrality, and restore the FCC's 2015 net neutrality rules. It would again classify ISPs as common carriers under Title II of the Telecom Act, but, as an act of Congress, couldn't be repealed by the whims of future FCCs. It also locks the "forbearance" part of the original rules (which prevented the FCC from using Title II to regulate broadband rates) into permanent law.
Unfortunately at House Communications Subcommittee hearing for the new bill on Tuesday, all the stale tropes resurfaced, despite the countless years spent debunking them. Representative Bob Latta, for example, trotted out the longstanding claim that classifying ISPs as common carriers under Title II is some kind of fringe, extremist position: