Apex Legends Battle Pass rumors: The wait continues
Obviously, with the message we got Tuesday on Reddit, you should take these with a big grain of salt.
There's no official date as of yet, but one anonymous leaker who claimed to have a Respawn-connected roommate told DailyESports it would drop on Tuesday, March 12. There was no way to verify his claims, but I agreed -- when I originally wrote this post -- it would benefit Respawn to launch the Battle Pass sooner rather than later.
Apex Legends Battle Pass rumors: The wait continues
Mar 12, 2019, 9:32pm UTC
> Obviously, with the message we got Tuesday on Reddit, you should take these with a big grain of salt.
> There's no official date as of yet, but one anonymous leaker who claimed to have a Respawn-connected roommate told DailyESports it would drop on Tuesday, March 12. There was no way to verify his claims, but I agreed -- when I originally wrote this post -- it would benefit Respawn to launch the Battle Pass sooner rather than later.