AT&T is already trying to sweep its 5G E lies under the rug
With all the nonsense about AT&T’s fake 5G Evolution network out there, it’s possible to forget that AT&T is actually building a real, standards-based 5G network, too. Fortunately, the cellular company has taken it upon itself to remind everyone about that in a new fact sheet that curiously forgets to mention its 5G Evolution network at all — almost like it isn’t a real 5G network!
The fact sheet itself is a decent (if slightly AT&T-biased) look at the carrier’s work in actual 5G development. And the information, like which cities it’s (theoretically) available in and what devices the company has announced, does seem genuinely useful. You can certainly quibble over some of the milestones — was AT&T really “the first to make mobile 5G a reality in the US” if it only ran a limited test that customers couldn’t buy access to? — it’s all legitimate information on the company’s 5G plans.