Windows 10 1809 Finally Hits 21% Adoption Rate As We Await the Release of Version 1903
We have been talking about Windows 10 October 2018 Update for nearly a year now. From its exciting preview builds to its launch date to the codename and its final public release – there has been a lot of drama surrounding this particular Windows 10 version. The update was officially released in October last year but became the first Windows 10 version to be pulled back due to data loss issues. Microsoft re-released it after a few weeks, however, version 1809 couldn’t manage to earn back user trust.
It appears things might finally be changing – a little. The latest report from AdDuplex shows that the October 2018 Update has hit 21 percent usage rate, which is a significant bump from last month’s 12.4 percent usage share. “This number is almost double of what we’ve seen last month, but it’s still far away from the dominating April 2018 Update,” the report says.