Why Amazon buying Eero feels so disappointing

Why Amazon buying Eero feels so disappointing

6 years ago
Anonymous $Dftgs0JzgE


Amazon sure does love surprises. The original Echo came as a bolt out of the blue and even after the business was well established, the company just last September saw fit to unveil literally dozens of new Alexa products and features to an unsuspecting world. Last night’s announcement that Amazon intends to acquire the Eero mesh routing company was another surprise, but the out-of-nowhere nature of it shouldn’t have surprised anybody. That’s how Amazon does things.

Amazon’s stated reason for buying Eero is about what you’d expect: “We have a shared vision that the smart home experience can get even easier, and we’re committed to continue innovating on behalf of customers,” wrote SVP Dave Limp in the press release. Wi-Fi is crappy in most homes and crappy Wi-Fi means crappy performance for smart home gadgets. Amazon needs smart home gadgets to work well.