Windows 10 Breaks the 40% Barrier – Now Leads the Market Share

Windows 10 Breaks the 40% Barrier – Now Leads the Market Share

6 years ago
Anonymous $Dftgs0JzgE


Windows 10 has had quite an interesting (and controversial) journey so far. The desktop operating system had to deal with the dominance that Windows 7 experienced for years. Last month, after over 3 years, the latest and the first free version of Windows finally managed to overtake the numbers of Windows 7. As Microsoft gets ready to stop supporting Windows 7 next year, it is expected we will see businesses finally make the big move or risk being left unsupported.

Latest statistics published by Netmarketshare, however, reveal that both the Windows 7 and Windows 10 have experienced a rise in the last month. Windows 10 leads the market now with 40.90% market share, followed by Windows 7 at 37.19% and Windows 8.1 at 4.34%. This is a slight increase from last month’s numbers that showed Windows 10 at 39.22% and Windows 7 at 36.90%.