Oceans Heating up 40 Percent Faster Than Thought, 2018 Expected to See Record Temperatures, Scientists Warn

Oceans Heating up 40 Percent Faster Than Thought, 2018 Expected to See Record Temperatures, Scientists Warn

6 years ago
Anonymous $L9wC17otzH


Ocean heating—which could trigger potentially devastating weather events including hurricanes and storms—is happening 40% faster than previous thought, scientists have warned. 

And if nothing is done to slow the warming, sea-levels could rise by around 12 inches in addition to that caused by melting ice, said the authors of the study published in the journal Science.

Oceans Heating up 40 Percent Faster Than Thought, 2018 Expected to See Record Temperatures, Scientists Warn

Jan 10, 2019, 8:00pm UTC
http://www.newsweek.com/ocean-heating-40-faster-thought-2018-expected-see-record-temperatures-1286860 > Ocean heating—which could trigger potentially devastating weather events including hurricanes and storms—is happening 40% faster than previous thought, scientists have warned.  > And if nothing is done to slow the warming, sea-levels could rise by around 12 inches in addition to that caused by melting ice, said the authors of the study published in the journal Science.