IP Address Token



Wait.. Comentrseption!

I think she means she doesn't want to be a Woman In Tech™, instead she wants to be a woman in tech.

No! She needs to go back to making more episodes of Fleabag!

For once I'm on MIcrosoft's side.

Then again, how could you not be? Does the notion of jurisdiction not mean anything to the feds?

Your typing skills have improved! You managed to type 3 entire letters before accidentally hitting return! Bravo!

Do you though? DO YOU?

I get it. Really..

There you go, now you can reply from the same IP. :)

Though you can't upvote/downvote from the same IP....

@noah You haven't made a comment yet!

From excitement, or because you're made of glass?

(Those are the only two possible choices)

I wonder if it's actually real or just a rendering.