California Senate endorses extension to eviction moratorium

California Senate endorses extension to eviction moratorium

2 years ago
Anonymous $R5WK5a8uaN

The California Senate overwhelmingly endorsed a proposal today for a fourth extension of the state eviction moratorium, granting a reprieve to renters awaiting relief from the state’s beleaguered and backlogged assistance program.

The law extends protections past an April 1 deadline and through June 30 for hundreds of thousands of California tenants who have applied to the state’s emergency rental assistance program but who have yet to receive aid. The law also offers landlords some protections by banning a raft of new proposals by cities and counties to enact local restrictions on evictions.

California Senate endorses extension to eviction moratorium

Mar 31, 2022, 5:47pm UTC > The California Senate overwhelmingly endorsed a proposal today for a fourth extension of the state eviction moratorium, granting a reprieve to renters awaiting relief from the state’s beleaguered and backlogged assistance program. > The law extends protections past an April 1 deadline and through June 30 for hundreds of thousands of California tenants who have applied to the state’s emergency rental assistance program but who have yet to receive aid. The law also offers landlords some protections by banning a raft of new proposals by cities and counties to enact local restrictions on evictions.