After 3 days of counteroffers, sellers want to know if they made the right moves
Q: This is regarding your column — “Loan officer’s advice frustrates buyers with a careful purchase strategy” published online August 27, 2022, in The Mercury News and East Bay Times — about homebuyers insisting on having a purchase agreement with contingencies:
Last year, the home next door in our Bay Area neighborhood sold quickly with contingent-free multiple offers. We missed that market. Those neighbors acknowledged that our house has more improvements and better landscaping. Yet, our home is actively for sale at a lower asking price. After three weeks on the market, young homebuyers wrote a purchase offer. The result was three days of counteroffers. It became ridiculous. Before closing escrow, the homebuyers want section 1 termite clearance and a foundation crack repair. Finally, our seller’s agent told the buyer’s agent to write a new purchase offer based on all the counteroffers.