Sure hope Sunnyvale’s Toys R Us ghost enjoys sporting goods
If you’ve been around this area for a while, you probably had the same reaction I had when I saw that REI is moving into the old Toys R Us store in Sunnyvale this fall: “Isn’t that the one that was haunted?”
Indeed, the former toy and game emporium on El Camino Real and Sunnyvale-Saratoga Road — which closed its doors in 2018 — has had a ghostly reputation going back almost to when Geoffrey the Giraffe first stuck his neck out there in 1970. Self-proclaimed psychic Sylvia Browne — who still had a huge following but an iffy reputation when she died in San Jose in 2013 — held a seance there in 1978 and claimed a spirit named “Johnson” was the one roaming the aisles and scaring the Play-Doh out of people.