Alameda police ID officers on leave after Mario Gonzalez death, as video prompts new push for reforms

Alameda police ID officers on leave after Mario Gonzalez death, as video prompts new push for reforms

3 years ago
Anonymous $OlGJJXacOb

Alameda police are again under fire following the death of Mario Gonzalez, who was pinned to the ground for five minutes by officers before becoming unresponsive, in a case that has drawn comparisons to the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis last spring.

Gonzalez’s death — which occurred just a day before Officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of Floyd’s murder — marks the second time since late 2018 that a person was pinned by Alameda police and then died. And it comes less than a year after the arrest of a Black man who a 9-1-1 caller thought was having a mental health crisis drew outrage and protests after Alameda officers forced him to the ground and handcuffed him.