Enough renderings already, start building San Jose’s future downtown

Enough renderings already, start building San Jose’s future downtown

3 years ago
Anonymous $drS9DEX_Sj


As someone who spends a lot of time in downtown San Jose, I’ve been paying attention to all the development plans that promise to radically transform the city’s center.

Besides the really big ticket items like Google’s Downtown West and the BART extension, new renderings seem to arrive weekly for high-rise buildings with fanciful names like Garden Gate Tower, Aviato, Park Habitat, Invicta Towers and Icon. Some don’t even have names yet and are just identified by their locations at Fountain Alley or the Valley Title building.

Enough renderings already, start building San Jose’s future downtown

Aug 8, 2021, 2:34pm UTC
https://www.siliconvalley.com/2021/08/07/wishing-downtown-san-joses-future-would-get-here-faster/ > As someone who spends a lot of time in downtown San Jose, I’ve been paying attention to all the development plans that promise to radically transform the city’s center. > Besides the really big ticket items like Google’s Downtown West and the BART extension, new renderings seem to arrive weekly for high-rise buildings with fanciful names like Garden Gate Tower, Aviato, Park Habitat, Invicta Towers and Icon. Some don’t even have names yet and are just identified by their locations at Fountain Alley or the Valley Title building.