Pruning, picking and transplanting: What you can do in the garden this week, Dec. 28-Jan. 3

Pruning, picking and transplanting: What you can do in the garden this week, Dec. 28-Jan. 3

5 years ago
Anonymous $mKxHd64frN

1. Happy New Year in a few more days! Continue harvesting winter vegetables planted in autumn. Replace those harvested completely, such as spinach, cauliflower, cabbages, radishes, beets and turnips. These new plants will be ready to harvest around Valentine’s Day, and then there will still be time to put in one more round. For plants that produce an on-going harvest – like peas, snap peas, Chinese peas and Swiss chard – pick the edibles regularly and feed the plants lightly every few weeks to keep the plants productive.

2. Start pruning bush roses now, or by mid-February at the latest, but hold off on pruning climbers until after they bloom in spring. For bush roses, first cut the bush down halfway then completely remove all the foliage to reduce springtime diseases. Cut out dead and weak canes, and try to open the center so the remaining canes radiate out in a bowl shape, if possible. Finally, reduce the overall height to 12 inches for lower-growing types, and 15-20 inches for higher-growing types.