Can I now get a divorce without ever leaving my couch? Ask the lawyer
Q: My wife and I are going our separate ways, and each of us has a lawyer. We are being encouraged to have a remote mediation to seek to work things out. Is this really possible? I do not have to actually go to court?
A: Because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, much is being done “remotely” now, which means conferencing over the internet. In addition, court appearances for lawyers are often done over the phone. Thus, your personal attendance is not critical, and not expected in many instances. A mediated divorce resolution could be handled remotely by a skilled mediator, particularly since both sides have their own attorneys. Talk the process out with your lawyer. You may not see the other side on the screen, or you may at some point(s), but that will be determined by the mediator. It remains possible that a matter arises that requires your physical attendance in court, but at present, that would have to meet narrow circumstances the courts have created to address genuine emergencies (for example, an application to restrain violence). To be clear, the divorce case is filed in and ultimately processed through the court, but it is possible many aspects can be handled outside of court.