Coronavirus: Why etiquette, not social shaming, will get people to wear masks and keep a distance

Coronavirus: Why etiquette, not social shaming, will get people to wear masks and keep a distance

4 years ago
Anonymous $9CO2RSACsf

It’s always been awkward to call out others for doing things in public that are annoying or even harmful. But people now face dicier situations as the COVID-19 pandemic raises fears that some are spreading a dangerous virus by not adequately washing hands, wearing masks in public or keeping far enough apart in grocery store checkout lines.

On NextDoor and Facebook, Bay Area residents are venting about perceived social-distancing violations and debating whether to report neighbors who have gardeners in their yards. Emiliana Simon-Thomas, the science director of UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, saw an elderly woman on a 10-foot-wide trail shout “6 feet! 6 feet!” at a jogger who passed by her too closely.