When can major California theme parks reopen?
California’s long-awaited theme park reopening plan left unanswered the most basic question on the minds of the major tourist destinations, their furloughed and laid-off employees and their die-hard fans: When can theme parks reopen?
California issued long-awaited theme park reopening guidelines this week, but the new rules could leave large theme parks like Disneyland closed for weeks, months or even more than a year.
When can major California theme parks reopen?
Oct 23, 2020, 2:30pm UTC
> California’s long-awaited theme park reopening plan left unanswered the most basic question on the minds of the major tourist destinations, their furloughed and laid-off employees and their die-hard fans: When can theme parks reopen?
> California issued long-awaited theme park reopening guidelines this week, but the new rules could leave large theme parks like Disneyland closed for weeks, months or even more than a year.