Has Silicon Valley Lost Its Soul? The Case for and Against
For many avid listeners of public radio, Intelligence Squared U.S. has been a mainstay program for more than ten years. The premise of the show, which debuted in 2006, is reasoned yet passionate debate, with two sides arguing for or against a motion. Recent resolutions include "Globalization Has Undermined America's Working Class" and "The More We Evolve, The Less We Need God." With so much consternation now focused on technology, the show, in partnership with Techonomy, took on Silicon Valley, proposing "Silicon Valley Has Lost Its Soul."
Arguing for the motion were Noam Cohen, WIRED contributor and author of The Know-It-Alls: The Rise of Silicon Valley as a Political Powerhouse and Social Wrecking Ball and Dipayan Ghosh, the Pozen Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School. Holding against were Leslie Berlin, project historian for the Silicon Valley Archives at Stanford, and Joshua McKenty, vice president at Pivotal, and founder and chief architect of NASA Nebula.